First let’s start with knowing what Professional development is, it can be described as a continuous training either in education sector or career sector, that a person undertakes after a person starts working, in order to boost their working skills related to professional work and acquire new working skills to cope with the current world. The following are some of the importance of professional development to an individual;
It helps one to widen their knowledge in some areas;
When one goes for further studies, he or she will learn new ideas and become more experienced to their work. With this, they will benefit more in their sectors since they will be in demand because of their experience in their work and secure more professional jobs. Basically, a person who is more talented in the work is more likely to get some job. This happens because of their good and admirable working skills.
Improves one’s public confidence;
Through expanding a professional knowledge, a person becomes more confident in their profession. Professional knowledge equips an individual with more knowledge. Those people who are well educated and more knowledgeable have no reason to panic in their work. They always deliver maximum services to the clients and customers. They always do their work knowing they have all the knowledge required for it, hence good outcome.
Improves income earning;
Professional development puts one in a position of earning more money than those who haven’t gone for further studies. It also makes the youth to be more skilful in terms of business ideas which helps in boosting their earnings and income.
Career development and change
Professional development is also a tool access to other careers related to it. Through this process one acquires some general new skills that can help them branch to other careers without difficulties.
Modernizes individual to new trends;
When one develops professionally, they tend to have new ideas and remain relevant to new trends. opposed to the ones acquired back then. This makes an individual to adjust to new educational system, jobs and other areas. They also improve technologically, for instance the use of computers, laptops and phones in our current world. It makes one to be at par and also qualify to some of the current situations in the career industries. It also helps one to be at pace with the modern skills of other people in the the same areas as them.
Socializes an individual;
By this, one meets new individuals and interacting with new people while training and learning. This helps one to learn how to live with people and improves also working networks of an individual. It promotes national unity too by bringing people together through seminars and other gatherings. We can also say that it helps one to appreciate other people’s well-being and culture too. By coming together to learn we realize we are all from different ethnics and communities or even culture and so learn to live among people.
To avoid being out-dated;
Being out-dated is the least thing employers want to in terms of employing their employers, they will always go for more educated people in the communities while hiring workers. That is why most people try to go for further studies in order to secure jobs in their professions. With the new generation the world is becoming more digitalized. The jobs and the services offered in the current world are getting modernized not forgetting the learning and training institutions too. Job requirements have also adjusted to the new standards. The pressure of not wanting to be left behind and to be updated has increased forcing people to develop their professions This not only help one to secure jobs but also to be at the same league with the new generation. When one has a new knowledge, it improves one thinking and also makes one to become a creative thinker.
Helps to boost interest and morale;
In most cases when a person is happy with their jobs, they will always put more interest and effort in their work. When they know that they are more skilled in the area they will always want to specialize more in that area more and more. By doing this, they influence the results in work positively by getting good and better results at the end depending with the way they are doing their work. This also helps in advertising one’s job by bringing more clients and customers who are happy with the job done by the specialist.
Timing and organization;
Professional development can help in time management and also keep a person organised in the work. An organised person knows what to do with enough and limited time provided, this will only be possible if you are well equipped with the enough knowledge and skills for a particular activity. For example, a teacher who has gone for further studies his way of delivering ideas or information will be more organised and timed compared to a first posted teacher in school. He’ll know how to time his students well.
Helps in securing jobs;
There are some professions which require higher level of education. In this scenario an individual who has professional development will be in a better position to get the job. For one to be a leader too one should be more exposed and experienced than the others to rule well without failing as a leader. Professional development also helps one to get promotions from previous positions in working places. For example, school principals and headteachers for one to be in such positions one has to have qualified for a particular qualification or attained certain requirements if not one ha to go for further studies to be successful for those positions. We can also say that it opens a learners eye and mind, providing them with business ideas of starting their own business. This will make them to become more independent and even to create more jobs to the youths. For example, the knowledge on agriculture helps one start some home farming.
Lastly, helps in knowledge exchange ;
Professional development encourages exchange of knowledge among workers through interaction they tend to learn new ideas from each other. A new teacher will come in with new rules and even knowledge and share it with other teachers. Schools also can share ideas among other schools. This also works with new and old workers exchanging information’s about the known and the unknown.
As I conclude professional development has a lot of the benefits to the new curriculum system. The process is flexible in that one can decide to do it either online or physical, it can be done with other jobs in process too.